Triage meeting

The weekly triage meeting is when we go over the newly filed project proposals along with issues that have been nominated for lang-team feedback. We also get regular updates from the active project groups so we can stay on top of what is going on.

Can I attend?

Yes! The triage meeting is open to the public. You'll find the details on our calendar.

How do I get something on the agenda?

The easiest way to get something on the agenda is to nominate it. The agenda is automatically built by triagebot from this template. We review pending initiative proposals, nominated issues and PRs from a variety of repositories, as well as pending RFC requests.

Can I generate the agenda myself?

Sure. You can visit the following link and one will be generated for you for (the current date):

Alternatively, clone the triagebot repo and run this

> cargo run --bin lang agenda

If you install the hackmd-cli, you can do this:

cargo run --bin lang agenda | hackmd-cli import

Where can I find the minutes?

Triage meeting minutes are available in this directory.