Generalized coroutines

Since even before Rust 1.0, users have desired the ability to yield like in other languages. The compiler infrastructure to achieve this, along with an unstable syntax, have existed for a while now. But despite a lot of debate, we've failed to polish the feature up enough to stabilize it. I've tried to write up a summary of the different design considerations and the past debate around them below:


  • The distinction between a "coroutine" and a "generator" can be a bit vague, varying from one discussion to the next.
  • In these notes a generator is anything which directly implements Iterator or Stream while a coroutine is anything which can take arbitrary input, yield arbitrary output, and later resume execution at the previous yield.
  • Thus, the "generator" syntax proposed in eRFC-2033 and currently implemented behind the "generator" feature is actually a coroutine syntax for the sake of these notes, not a true generator.
    • RFC-2996 defines a true generator syntax in "future additions".
  • Note also that "coroutines" here are really "semicoroutines" since they can only yield back to their caller.
  • I will continue to group the original eRFC text and the later generator resume arguments extension togther as "eRFC-2033". That way I only have 3 big proposals to deal with.
  • In rustc, a coroutine's "witness" is the space where stack-allocated values are stored if needed across yields. I'm borrowing this terminology here. Any such cross-yield bindings are said to be "witnessed".
// This is an example coroutine which might assist a streaming base64 encoder
|sextet, octets| {
    let a = sextet; // witness a, b, and c sextets for later use
    let b = sextet;
    octets.push(a << 2 | b >> 4); // aaaaaabb
    let c = sextet;
    octets.push((b & 0b1111) << 4 | c >> 2); // bbbbcccc
    octets.push((c & 0b11) << 6 | sextet) // ccdddddd

// This is an example generator which might be used in Iterator::flat_map.
gen {
  for item in inner {
    for mapped in func(item) {
      yield mapped;

// This is an example async generator which might be used in Stream::and_then
async gen {
  while let Some(item) = {
    yield func(item).await;

Coroutine trait

  • The coroutine syntax must produce implementations of some trait.
  • RFC-2781 and eRFC-2033 propose the Generator trait.
  • Note that Rust's coroutines and subroutines look the same from the outside: take input, mutate state, produce output.
  • Thus, MCP-49 proposes using the Fn* traits instead, including a new FnPin for immovable coroutines.
    • Hierarchy: Fn is FnMut + Unpin is FnPin is FnOnce.
      • May not be required at the trait level (someone may someday find a use to implementing FnMut + !FnPin) but all closures implement the traits in this order.

Coroutine syntax

  • The closure syntax is reused for coroutines by eRFC-2033, RFC-2781, and MCP-49.
  • Commentators have suggested that the differences between coroutines and closures under eRFC-2033 and RFC-2781 justify an entirely distinct syntax to reduce confusion.
  • MCP-49 fully reuses the semantics of closures, greatly simplifying the design space and making the shared syntax obvious.

Taking input

  • The major disagreement between past proposals is whether to use "yield expressions" or "magic mutation".
    • Yield expression: let after = yield output;
    • Magic mutation: let before = arg; yield output; let after = arg;
  • Many people have a strong gut preference for yield expressions.
    • In simple cases, Rust generally prefers to produce values as output from expressions rather than by mutation of state. "Yield expressions feel more Rusty."
    • However, magic mutation is likely correct, even though at first glance it feels surprising. In addition to reasons below, holding references to past resume args is rare, often a logic error. Rust can use mutation checks to catch and give feedback.
  • "Magic mutation" is a bit of a misnomer. The resume argument values are not themselves being mutated. The argument bindings are simply being reassigned across yields.
    • In a sense, argument bindings are reassigned in the exact same way across returns.
    • Previous arguments (if unmoved) are dropped prior to yielding and are reassigned after resuming.
    • People will get yelled at by the borrow checker if they try to hold borrows of arguments across yields. But the fix is generally easy: move the argument to a new binding before yielding.
=> |x| {
    let y = &x;
    dbg!(y, x);

error[E0506]: cannot pass new `x` because it is borrowed
 --> src/
2 |     let y = &x;
  |             -- borrow of `x` occurs here
3 |     yield;
  |     ^^^^^ assignment to borrowed `x` occurs here
4 |     dbg!(y, x);
  |             - borrow later used here
  = help: consider moving `x` into a new binding before borrowing

=> |x| {
    let a = x;
    let y = &a;
    dbg!(y, x);
  • Magic mutation could be replaced by "magic shadowing" where new arguments shadow old ones at yield in order to allow easy borrowing of past argument values. But this is a huge footgun. See if you can spot the issue with the following code if ctx shadows its past value rather than overwriting it:
std::future::from_fn(|ctx| {
  if is_blocked() {
    yield Pending;

  while let Pending = task.poll(ctx) { .. }
  • "Yield expression" causes problems with first-resume input.
    • eRFC-2033 passes the first resume argument via a closure parameters while later arguments are produced by yield expressions.
    • This part of why it is so hard to unify generalized coroutines with a generator syntax like gen { } or gen fn. Where does the first input go? Where do you annotate the argument type even?
  • To increase clarity, users almost always want resume arguments to be named.
    • With magic mutation, all resume arguments are already named since they reuse the closures arguments on every resume. Any unmoved arguments are dropped just prior to yielding, so they are not witnessed and do not increase the coroutine size.
      • Also get multiple arguments for free if using the Fn* traits.
    • Yield expressions require users to repeatedly assign resume arguments to named bindings manually. Such bindings must be included in the closure state if they have any drop logic.

Borrowed resume arguments

  • What happens when a coroutine witnesses a borrow passed as a resume argument? For example:
let co = |x: &i32| {
  let mut values = Vec::new();
  loop {

// potentially ok:
let mut x = 0;

// must not be allowed:
x = 1;
  • As of writing, RFC-2781 leaves this as an unresolved question with a note to potentially restrict resume arguments to being 'static.
  • Since coroutines under MCP-49 act as much like closures as possible, and treat the witness and capture data the same whenever possible, the example above would fail in a similar way to the example below, giving a "borrowed data escapes into closure state" error or similar even if x is not mutated.
let mut values = Vec::new();
|x: &i32| {
  loop {
//  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `x` escapes the closure body here
  • As of writing, eRFC-2033 appears to take a similar approach (although the error message is not super descriptive).
  • Ideally someday we'd do something nicer but any such solution would apply to both captured state and witnessed state in the same way.


  • Coroutines would eventually like to yield borrows of state to the caller. This is "lending" coroutine (sometimes also called an "attached" coroutine).
  • Using MCP-49, a lending coroutine might look like:
|| {
  let mut buffer = Vec::new();
  loop {
    let n = fill_buffer(&mut buffer);
    yield &buffer[..n];
  • None of the major proposals have made an effort to resolve this directly as far as I am aware.
    • RFC-2996 gets the closest with a mention of LendingStream and LendingIterator traits in "future additions".
    • We should probably get some experience with lending traits at the lib level before attempting to add language level support.
  • If lending closures were implemented, MCP-49 could immediately be used to build lending streams, iterators, etc so long as the respective traits have the needed GAT-ification.


  • RFC-2781 and eRFC-2033 propose that yield x should produce GeneratorState::Yielded(x) or equivalent as an output, in order to discriminate between yielded and returned values.
  • MCP-49 instead gives yield x and return x nearly identical semantics and output x directly, so the two must return the same type.
  • Enum-wrapping here is analogous to Ok-wrapping elsewhere. Similar debates result.
  • When using enum-wrapping, the syntax to specify distinct return/yield types is hotly debated.
  • Generators always want return and yield to have different types (() vs T) but a generator syntax on top of coroutines could be used to auto-insert enum wrappers around yield vs return arguments.
  • Auto-enum-wrapping can slightly improve type safety in some cases where return should be treated specially to avoid bugs.
  • No-enum-wrapping when combined with the impl Fn* choice of trait, allow the coroutine syntax to be used directly with existing higher-order methods on iterator, stream, collection types, async traits, etc.
  • Note these two approaches are "isomorphic": a coroutine that returns GeneratorState<T, T> could be wrapped to return T by some sort of combinator and a coroutine that only returns T can have yield and return values manually wrapped in GeneratorState. This is just about ergonomics:
// Without enum wrapping:
std::iter::from_fn(|| {
  yield Some(1);
  yield Some(2);
  yield Some(3);
}).map(|x| {
  yield -x;
  yield x;

// With enum wrapping:
std::iter::from_gen_fn(|| {
  yield 1;
  yield 2;
  yield 3;
}).map(unwrap_gen_state(|x| {
  yield -x;
  yield x;

// Needed for un-enum-wrapping when not desired.
// Could be replaced by sufficiently fancy !-casting?
fn unwrap_gen_state<T>(f: impl FnMut() -> GeneratorState<T, !>) -> T { ... }
fn merge_gen_state<T>(f: impl FnMut() -> GeneratorState<T, T>) -> T { ... }

// With no wrapping + generators:
(gen {
  yield 1;
  yield 2;
  yield 3;
}).map(|x| {
  yield -x;
  yield x;


  • All proposals want movability/impl Unpin to be inferred.
    • If we forbid "borrowed data escaping into closure state", the inference rules should be relatively simple: witnessing any borrow triggers immovability.
      • Dead borrows should not be witnessed.
    • But exact inference rules may only be well understood after an attempt at implementation.
  • Soundness of pin_mut! is a little tricky but seems to be fine no matter what.
    • If the resulting mutable borrow is witnessed ⇒ coroutine is !Unpin because of inference rules
    • If the pinned data is !Unpin and is witnessed ⇒ coroutine is !Unpin because witness contains !Unpin data
    • Thus, if the coroutine can be moved after resume, any data stack-pinned (really witness-pinned) by pin_mut! is not referenced and is Unpin.
  • Until inference is solved, the static keyword can be used as a modifier.
// movable via inference
|| {
  let x = 4;
  let y = &x;

// guaranteed movable (pending inference)
static || {

// immovable
|| {
  let x = 4;
  let y = &x;

"Once" coroutines

  • A lot of coroutines destroy captured data when run.
  • These coroutines (notably futures) can be resumed many times but can only be run through "once".
  • In contrast to non-yield FnOnce closures, this can not be solved at the type level because a coroutine can run out after an arbitrary, runtime-dependent number of resumptions.
    • Attempts to discriminate with enums tend to run up against Pin.
  • Coroutines must have the ability to block restart with a panic!.
    • Following return.
    • Following panic! and recovery.
    • The term "poison state" technically refers to only the later case. But here I will use it to mean any state at which the closure panics if resumed.
  • RFC-2781 and eRFC-2033 propose that all coroutines become poisoned after returning.
  • MCP-49 recommends that all non-capture-destroying coroutines resume at their initial state after returning.
    • This can be very handy in some situations. In fact, I use it several times in examples to increase readability. See anywhere I or the base64 encoder.
    • Similar question around generators: should they loop to save on a state or should they be fused-by-default?
    • If we do decide to panic-after-return, restart-after-return can still be emulated using loop { .. } as the coroutine body instead of simply { .. }. This is even zero-cost because unreachable poison states are eliminated.
  • MCP-49 also optionally proposes that capture-destroying closures should only implement FnOnce unless explicitly annotated, even if they should apparently be resumable several times.
    • mut || { drop(capture); } is recommended as the modifier, to hint that an FnMut impl is being requested when the closure in question would otherwise impl only FnOnce.
    • But the behavior of this modifier is probably too obscure and requires too much explanation vs "closures always impl FnMut/FnPin if they contain yield".

Async coroutines

  • I am aware of no strong proposal for an async version of generalized coroutines although a fair amount of discussion has taken place.
    • In the context of MCP-49, how should async || { ... yield ...} be handled in the very long-term? Error right now.
  • Async coroutines don't make much sense because of resume arguments. Async functions are already coroutines which take an &mut Context as a resume argument. How should additional arguments should be specified?
    • Do the additional args need to be passed every single poll or are they only needed when resuming after Ready?
    • If they are stored between Readys, how does that interact with the ban on witnessing external borrows? Badly.
    • On resume, the the coroutine might only take the additional arguments. It could then yield a future to take the async context and handle any Pending yields.
    • If so, how is the coroutine body broken up into distinct futures to be yielded?
    • What happens if a yielded future is destroyed early? Panic on resume?
  • Generators and async are both sugars on top of coroutines and are orthogonal to each other. But neither is orthogonal to the underlying coroutine feature:
// an async block
async {

// an async generator
async gen {
  yield "hello";

// an "async coroutine"
|ctx: &mut Context| {
  yield Poll::Ready("hello");
  • Taking the async context explicitly makes it cleaner to implement some complex async functions which take additional poll parameters.
    • An await_with! macro would be quite useful for implementing await loops on arbitrary Poll-returning functions.
      • Would be a good candidate for an .await(args..) syntax if very heavily used.
    • For example, an simple little checksumming async write wrapper might look like this:
|ctx: &mut Context, bytes: &[u8]| -> Poll<usize> {
  let mut checksum = 0;
  let mut count = 0;

  loop {
    let n = 4096 - count;
    if n == 0 {
      await_with!(writer.poll_write, ctx, &[checksum]);

    let part = &bytes[..bytes.len().min(n)];
    checksum = part.fold(checksum, |x, &y| x ^ y);
    await_with!(writer.poll_write, ctx, part);

    count += part.len();
    yield Ready(part.len());


  • All proposals work fine with the ? operator without even trying (haha).
  • Poll<Result<_, _>> and Poll<Option<Result<_, _>>> already implement Try!
  • Generators usually want a totally different ? desugar that does yield Some(Err(...)); return None; instead of return Err(...).
    • This comes up a lot in discussions of general coroutine syntaxes but just muddies things up because (say it with me) generators ≠ coroutines.
    • Sugar-free implementation is easy: yield Some(try { ... }); None
  • Try blocks in general are super useful for handing errors by moving into specific error-handeling states.

Language similarity

  • Rust's version of coroutines can be a bit unusual compared to other languages. But the reason for this is simple: you need arguments to resume Rusty coroutines.
  • Resume arguments in other languages can be passed just fine by sharing mutable data. So all they need to implement are generators, not true coroutines as defined here.
# Generator function takes a word list and name on construction.
# The shared list is mutated to make room for new words.
def write_greeting(name, words):
    if words.is_full:

// Function only needs name to construct coroutine.
// Coroutine gets mutable access to the word list each resume.
fn write_greeting(name: String) -> impl FnMut(&mut Vec<String>) {
  |words| {
    if words.len() == words.capacity() {

Language complexity

  • The main selling point of MCP-49 is that it avoids adding a whole new language feature with associated design questions. Instead, the common answer to questions regarding MCP-49 is that yield-closures simply do whatever closures do.
    • The syntax is the same.
    • Captures work the same way.
    • Arguments are passed the same way.
    • Return and yield both drop the latest arguments and then pop the call stack.
    • The only big difference is that once yield is involved, some variables get stored in a witness struct rather than in the stack frame. Plus the need for a poison state.
  • In fact, return behaves exactly like a simultaneous yield + break 'closure_body.
    • In a sense, every closure already has a single yield point at which it resumes after return.
    • A yield adds a second resume point: hence the need for a discriminant.
  • Under that proposal, anywhere a closure can be used, a coroutine can too. And vice versa.

Generator unification

  • So far in this proposal, I've been very careful to distinguish generators (as supported by the propane and async_stream crates, proposed by RFC-2996, etc) from the coroutines discussed here. They are treated as two separate language features.
  • Does Rust have "room" for both stream syntax and a generator syntax? Would it be better to find a single solution to both?
  • A single solution is difficult for a few reasons:
    • Taking resume arguments muddies the syntax. For example, what would be the syntax for a generator function which takes an explicit resume argument?
    • The closure syntax works great for coroutines which implement Fn* a la MCP-49! But reusing that syntax to magically implement Iterator or Stream would cause confusion.
    • On that note, generators definitely want to implement different traits vs coroutines. Iterator and Stream rather than Fn or (ironically) Generator.
    • As stated above, async coroutines don't make much sense: async interacts poorly with resume arguments.
    • Async generators are super important, don't care about resume arguments.
    • As mentioned in the section on try, generators and coroutines generally want different error handling. Or at lest, some more complex ? desugar is not so obvious for coroutines in general as it is for generators specifically.
  • Once generalized coroutines are in place, a generator syntax like the one in RFC-2996 is a trivial sugar on top:
gen {
  for item in inner {
    for mapped in func(item) {
      yield mapped;

// becomes

std::iter::from_fn(|| {
  for item in inner {
    for mapped in func(item) {
      yield Some(mapped);
async gen {
  while let Some(item) = {
    yield func(item).await;

// becomes

std::stream::from_fn(|ctx| {
  while let Some(item) = await_with!(, ctx) {
    yield Ready(Some(await_with!(func(item), ctx)));
  • Proc-macro crates could provide very satisfactory gen and gen_async macros until we are sure of the need to support such a sugar directly in language as a keyword or in core as a first-party macro.

Past discussions

There are a lot of these. Dozens of internals threads, reddit posts, blog posts, draft RFCs, pre RFCs, actual RFCs, who knows what in Zulip, and so on. So this isn't remotely exhaustive:
