Lang team leadership

Lang team leads drive the overall team agenda and tend to its well-being. They generally chair the meetings, keep an eye out for conflicts, and are to some extent the decision makers of last resort. They drive the roadmap process. They also post blog posts updating the public (possibly through delegation).

Process to select leads

We do not have a fixed point in time for selecting new leadership. However, when we opt to select new leadership, the process is as follows:

  • Current lang team leads send out an email or message seeking nominations
  • Lang team members (including the current leads) suggest candidates for new leads
    • Members may nominate themselves.
    • Leads may nominate to continue leading.
  • Based on these nominations, leads propose the next set of leads and team members ratify the choice
    • A private meeting (lang team members only) may be useful to discuss.
    • It is generally recommended to pair one new co-lead with an older one who can advise.
    • To avoid burnout, rotation of leadership is recommended.


Questions to ask when nominating or selecting a lead:

  • Does this person have time to be a lang team lead?
  • Are they widely respected amongst the team?
  • Do they excel at resolving disputes, even amongst lang team members?
    • All leads are lang team members, so they are are assumed to meet the general criteria for lang team membership, but typically leads excel at the question of leading others to productive discussion.